From Surviving 2 Thriving

Psychotherapist Psychotherapy appointments available now in Wollongong and Online

Integrative and Somatic Psychotherapist Psychotherapy Wollongong, and the Illawarra area for adults, adolescents, children, families and couples

Trauma and grief counsellor

Psychotherapist Psychotherapy counselling for employees impacted by grief or trauma

First responder for business, schools and hospitals

Our qualified Psychotherapist Suzanne is experienced in providing grief and trauma counselling for Hospitals, Schools, Business and Government Agencies. If your workplace and employees have been impacted by a traumatic event, grief or abusive customers, contact Suzanne to arrange a workplace visit and counselling sessions

Individual psychotherapy counselling

Psychotherapy Wollongong - Individual appointments

Stress, overwhelm, anger, anxiety, grief, or post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

Our qualified psychotherapy counsellor Suzanne is available for individual appointments and has appointment spots available within the next 7 days, so contact us straight away to book an appointment if you, your family or child are feeling stress, overwhelm, anger, anxiety, grief, or post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

Online education

From Surviving 2 Thriving - Online Psychotherapy Lessons

Stress Reduction Techniques

We have online workshops and online training to help you understand the reasons for your feelings of stress and provide tools to help reduce the impacts of stress and help you move to a thriving lifestyle.

Free Access to an Online TRE Course

Click on the button below for access to a free online TRE course

Suzanne Butz - Psychotherapist Wollongong and Online

Suzanne Butz Somatic and Integrative Psychotherapist Wollongong

Suzanne Butz

Psychotherapist Wollongong - Founder of FromSurviving2Thriving

Latest Articles

FromSurviving2Thriving - Trauma Grief Counsellor

Emotional First Aid - Free guide

Use this guide to help you if you are feeling overwhelmed

FromSurviving2Thriving - Stress and Forgetfulness

Stress and Forgetfulness

There are so many symptoms of stress, as you have discovered in our online awareness of stress workshop. Let’s look at this one: Forgetfulness! Have you noticed that the more stressed you are, the more forgetful you become? You can’t find your keys, and that makes you more stressed. You can’t remember simple things. You can’t find the right words. Maybe it’s a sign of other things, so always get it checked by your GP. But generally the answer is: it’s just stress. It may get as severe as not remembering simple words for names of objects, or even when you can’t access any words! It’s still just stress.

Ageing Dementia, Stress and Trauma

Is it inevitable that dementia happens? I know that there is lots of research that says that it doesn’t have to happen and all the rest of it but is there a correlation between stress and dementia? So when I look at my Mum’s life there was early childhood trauma and she would have scored high on the ACE scale if those tests had been available. I know that her coping mechanisms for the rest of her life has always made her to be a difficult woman. She is a naturally intelligent woman but the dementia seemed to ramp up her intelligence and with that she developed stubbornness and with that classic narcissism which became one of her coping mechanisms.


Some of you may have met Suzanne from {Employee Assistance Provider} yesterday. I have had a team member provide me with feedback about speaking to Suzanne, they stated that speaking to her was incredibly positive and helped lift their mood and shift their life perspective to feel more positive, the feedback was glowing!

HR Manager

Employee Assistance Customer

For ‘my teen’, Suzanne has helped her allow emotions to be felt, as a moment in time, not a forever feeling, and how to acknowledge and move forward.

Name Withheld

Suzanne has helped me in dealing with trauma from past events so they don’t scaffold onto current events.

Name Withheld

the value of dance and a laugh to shift mood, along with using exercise that mimics flight or fight when the emotions are high

Name Withheld